International Conference in
Information Technology & Education
10-12 July, Natal, Brazil
Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.
Erasmus+ KA2- partnership cooperation KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project Partners: Universidad Del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Instituto Politecnico Do Porto (IPP), Universidad De Navarra. School of Architecture (ETSAUN-UNAV), Eesti Muusika- Ja Teatriakadeemia (EMTA), Tajik State University of Commerce (TAJIK) and MBM Associates Planning and Sustaining Private Limited (MBM)
The pandemic, on the one hand, and the 4.0 revolution on the other, require citizens to be permanently updated and informed. This situation becomes even more serious when it comes to the universe of citizens linked to Higher Education (teachers, students, non-teaching staff). It is then necessary to provide them with tools that allow them to integrate this knowledge, particularly in terms of: Data science; Augmented Reality; Virtual reality; Streaming; Block Chain and cybersecurity; coding and software programming.
The main goal of E4TLI is to bridge the gap between higher education stakeholders, who are characterized by being technologically illiterate, with “Industry 4.0”. This will help participants and those who will benefit from dissemination programs to improve their ability to effectively use technology to access, evaluate, integrate, create and communicate information to enhance the learning process through problem solving and critical thinking.
The specific objectives that E4TLI pursues together with its connection with the selected priorities are the following:
(1) Manage the Project calendar and activities so that teachers and students go beyond the curricular content and become familiar with 4.0 technologies.
(2) Improve the technical knowledge of faculty members by increasing their knowledge of emerging technologies.
(3) Improve the technological literacy of non-technological higher education teachers.
(4) Research how to improve higher education technology literacy
(5) Improve the technological literacy of non-technological students in higher education;
(6) Create a new teaching/training path to improve the level of students' key technology 4.0 skills and competencies (creation of teaching/learning materials)
(7) Implement this path in our formal education courses and create a new teaching/training path to improve the level of skills and key technological 4.0 skills of teachers, researchers, students, trainers, interns; university managers (creation of new teaching materials);
(8) Disseminate through multiplier events, additional online communication actions and communicate knowledge about Industry 4.0 to non-technological education/training stakeholders. Improve the employability of participants.
(9) Propose recommendations for policymakers and companies in the areas of 4.0 technologies.
(10) Provide a value-added advantage to participants from countries associated with less exposure, accessibility and opportunities.
(11) Empower women through extra skills that will enable problem solving and critical thinking.
Application: March 23, 2022
Results Series: September 2022
Project duration: September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2025
Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000087144
Website: E4TLI (e4tli7.com)
E4TLI, aims at equipping partners’ research members, their students and society at a large for improving their skills and capabilities on Digital transformation.
As we know, this is a time of rapid innovation and dissemination of technology, so there are naturally ramifications to being technologically illiterate. The COVID-19 crisis, has further accelerated the pace of technological innovation and consequently also widened this technological divide.
This is where the E4TLI comes in. The timing of the project couldn’t be more apt. The very aim of E4TLI is to bridge this divide between technologically challenged high education stakeholders and Technologies 4.0 (Data Mining, Augmented reality, Virtual Reality, Streaming, Block Chain, Cybersecurity, Coding and software programming).
More specifically, the aims of E4TLI are three-fold:
To improve technological literacy among technologically untrained/uneducated faculty members, students, mentors, university managers.
To collate practical recommendations from the implementation of the outlined projects for policy makers and companies to implement in their own professional spaces;
To disseminate knowledge on Technologies 4.0 for non-tech educational/training stakeholders.
Through E4TLI, the project partners aim to overcome multiple barriers, including but not limited to:
Barriers linked to education and training systems
Geography Barriers
Barriers linked to discrimination
Barriers linked to ability
Barriers faced by Minorities